Thursday, January 31, 2013

TAG ♡ you're it ♡

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Hey Pretty Ladies 

i've been tagged by the lovely Arwa and the this tag is about answering 11 questions and then make another 11 questions to the people "blogs" you tag.
sounds alot of fun , right ? 

1) answer the 11 questions set.
2) set 11 questions for the people you tag
3) mention the blog who tagged you

1- What made you start blogging?
i've always wanted to write , and i ADORE fashion 
 do the math xD
2- What are your favourite TV shows if any?
Gossip Girl , Ghost Whisperer , FRIENDS! 
3- What has been the best drugstore foundation to you?
i dont use foundation , but i recently bought a BB cream and i really like it
4- What is the weirdest thing that can be found in your handbag?
i always carry a wedding invitation that was give to me long ago only because it has a big mirror inside of it 
5- What do you study/work?
i study at kau
6- Your best feature?
i honestly dont know /:
7- Your favourite school teacher & why.
psychology teacher in high school , she just had a way of teaching. or maybe because i liked psychology 
8- What has blogging been adding to your life?
i started blogging a few months ago and i didnt blog much so i didnt have the chance to fully experience it.  but i truly love it.
9- If you can shop for one thing only (one category) what would it be?
a girl can never have too many make up + shoes ;)
10- Do you see a bright future or an unknown one?
a little bit of both 
because i know what i want but i also know that there will be surprises along the way
11- Favourite drink?
power horse and peach ice tea and vanilla milkshake .

That red lip Questions:

1-   What do you think is the real secret to feeling gorgeous?
being comfortable with your own body no matter what you wear
2- What is you fav novel?
im not gonna lie , i dont read much but i have read the notebook and i LOVED it!
3- Best thing to eat for breakfast?
oatmeal with berries *-*
4- What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
concealer , i have terrible dark circles
5- What trend do you love right? and what trend would love to see go?
pin-up head bands ,, i love all kind of head bands !! and it reminds me of blair from GG xD
shorts /: i mean come on cover your legs !
6- Fav piece in your wardrobe?
all my dresses
7- What is your most inexpensive beauty item?
i have a couple of lipsticks from florelle 
8- What do you think of fake eyelashes?
i dont like them tbh ,, never wore one
9- What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
titanic + girl interrupted + white chicks + the sixth sense
10- If you could have any job in the world what would it be? You can take this q as fun! (;
a go-go dancer XP no im kidding ,, but i love to dance so maybe dance teacher or a artist
11-What is the best invention of all time?
AC <33 and smart phones
1)why do you blog ?
2)whats your all time fav nail polish ?
3) who is your role model? other than the prophet ' peace be upon him ' and your mom xD
4)any phobias ?
5) how do you deal with negativity and gossiping?
6)2012 fav product ?
7) what is the meaning of success to you ?
8) What do you do for a living?
9) do you take blogging as a serious thing or more like fun?
10) fav blog/ger ?
11) best 2012 memory ?

8) emma
" no pressure" lol

Hope you enjoyed reading my answers

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  1. تكون الجلابية عادةً ذات قصة فضفاضة لتوفير الراحة في الارتداء وتهوية جيدة.
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